Crane Away compliance
What are Crane Away Ltd's company details?
Crane Away Ltd.
Rose Wood Cottage,
DT2 7NR,
Company number: 12883164
VAT Registered: 995 3246 79
What insurances does Crane Away have?
Freight & Hauliers Liability (Goods in Transit)
Liability Insurance
Cargo & Liability Extensions up to £450,000
What are Crane Away's operator details?
Standard & International operator’s licence number: OH2026485
What safety certifications does Crane Away have?
- Safe Loading Certificate
- Slinger Certificate
- Banksman Certificate
- Small Plant Operator Certificate
- Planer Operator
- ADR, Class 2 (gases)
- Class 3 (Flammable liquid)
- Class 4 (Flammable solids)
- Class 5 (oxidising agents)
- Class 6 (Toxics)
- Class 7 (radioactive materials)
- Class 8 (corrosives)
- Class 9 (miscellaneous)
- Radiation Protection Supervisor
What is Crane Away's cancellation policy?
We hope that you won’t need to cancel. However, in the event of a cancellation of a confirmed order, a full hire rate will need to be charged.
Cancellations made before 12pm on the day prior to the order will not be charged.
Cancellations due to any other event outside of our control including inclement weather will also be subject to a cancellation charge at the full hire rate.
All Crane Away Ltd orders are subject to a minimum hire charge of 4 hours, all extra time thereafter will be charged on an hourly basis.
Cancellations made before 12pm on the day prior to the order will not be charged.
Cancellations due to any other event outside of our control including inclement weather will also be subject to a cancellation charge at the full hire rate.
All Crane Away Ltd orders are subject to a minimum hire charge of 4 hours, all extra time thereafter will be charged on an hourly basis.
Where I can I find the privacy policy?
Crane Away's privacy policy can be found here.